Saturday, July 2, 2016

Lazy Withdrawal Saturday

Despite feeling kind of puny, I did take a shower and dress in real clothes today!  (For the record, as has become typical of late, I did have to take a rest on the bed between those two activities.)

I don't much enjoy being sick on the weekend AGAIN but at least I don't feel bad about staying home from work.

"The Boxy Cheshire"--Saturday, 7/2/16

It's partly that this color combination is so great, but I liked this way of wearing a graphic T.


Boxy jacket and matching flats?  Check.

Black skinny jeans?  Check.

Drapey bright necklace?  Check.

Ramped-up awesomeness with a Cheshire Cat top?  100%.

*Black Cheshire tank (Disney Alice/Kohls), $24.00/wear
Boxy teal jacket (thrifted, Coldwater Creek), $1.25/wear
Black skinny jeans (thrifted, YMI), $1.75/wear
Bright teal flats (Payless), $0.93/wear
*Pink swag necklace (Kohls), $13.99/wear

Outfit total: $41.92/wear

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