Sunday, August 7, 2016

Muffin Making

A Third Second Chance--Saturday, 8/6/16

Remember how I wore the wrong skirt with my Important Date graphic T and my light blue Hatter tank and thus didn't get to give an old standby one last chance to prove its worth?

OK, let's try this skirt with the Cheshire Cat and see what happens.

Paired with a fun new top, I love this skirt again.  It's cute and it fits perfectly.  And I have expanded my orange collection in the last couple years, which adds to my options for future outfits.  I'm glad that I tried it again before purging it.  Beige/pink/blue/orange floral skirt FOREVER!

Black Cheshire tank (Disney Alice/Kohls), $8.00/wear
Beige/pink/blue/orange floral skirt (thrifted, Villager/Kohls), $0.83/wear
Bright pink flats (Payless), $0.65/wear

Outfit total: $9.48/wear

Cheshire is a famous striped cat, but among striped rabbits, the harlequin is a standout.  Here is a magpie (black and white only) harlequin with particularly light-colored fur.  The magpie's stripes are due to the recessive ejej genes that cause color to occur in patches.  The black and white (no orange) pattern occurs because having two recessive cch (chinchilla) genes takes away the orange segment on the hair and replaces it with white.  (Note that the cch gene is recessive to the C, full coloration, gene but dominant to the albino c gene that causes red-eyed white rabbits.  There are actually 5 different variants of the C gene with different effects on the black and yellow pigmentation of the hairs.)

In other news...In the evening I followed through on my promise to Robert that I would make him a giant batch of bran muffins.  And then I made myself a giant batch of oat-bran banana muffins.  I left out the walnuts but now that I look back at my calculations, I wish I hadn't--even with the walnuts they are only 1 mg of oxalate per muffin!  Oh well, next time.

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