Sunday, March 29, 2015

Life Style Challenge Week 4

Week 3 Challenge Review:

(1)  No bread, no pasta, no rice
(2)  Exercise for 20 25 minutes, 3 days a week (T, Th, Sat)-- 15 20 min cardio, 5 min strength
(3)  Make doctor and dentist appointments
(4)  Make new paleo main dish and veg recipes
(5)  Max of 4 Triscuits per day

I completed 1, 3, and 4 without any problems.  I have doctor and dentist appointments set up for the week of April 6 at a place only a couple miles from my apartment.  I baked seasoned chicken thighs/drumsticks and sweet potatoes (turned out quite well, still eating on them).

Friday evening I was feeling really sick and exhausted--I put on a puffy vest and scarf over my clothes, changed into bunny slippers, and sat in my comfy chair under a blanket and I was still shivering like crazy, despite it being 70-71 F in the apartment.  All day Saturday I was tired and achy and walked (on those occasions I could not avoid it) like some kind of old person who had been turned into a zombie.  So I had to defer the exercise until today, which is fine--that's one of the assumptions I've been making, that I'd sometimes have to switch days, and I intentionally selected Saturday as the weekend exercise day so that I could carry it over until Sunday if necessary.

For my Triscuit challenge, I did average under 4 Triscuits per day, but on Saturday I kept getting nauseated so I ate 4 Triscuits twice.  (A couple times earlier in the week, I hadn't eaten any at all.)  So while I didn't meet my challenge technically, I was successful at both reducing overall Triscuit consumption and, perhaps more importantly, reducing habitual Triscuit consumption.  So I'm going to give myself a pass on that challenge, with the understanding that future Triscuit challenges probably should be about average consumption because sometimes I just really want some plain carbs when I'm feeling ill, especially from a sinus/nasal allergy thing.

Week 3 Challenge Prizes:

Man, this is a terrible image.  Well, you'll have to trust me that it's a kind of pinkish-coral sherbet colored knit top with a birds on a wire pattern.  This summer it will worm warm up enough for me to wear it and I can present you a nice in-outfit-context photo (hah, birds, worms, that all goes together).  (Woo, a photo so bad that my mirror selfie will be an improvement!  A rara avis, indeed.)

Also a short-sleeved polka dot T-shirt to wear when it's too warm for my long-sleeved one.

Life Style Challenge Week 4:

(1)  No bread, no pasta, no rice
(2)  Exercise for 25 30 minutes, 3 days a week (T, Th, Sat)-- 20 25 min cardio, 5 min strength
(3)  Make new paleo "carb substitute" recipe
(4)  Average 3 or fewer Triscuits per day

One of my paleo cookbooks has a few recipes for muffins, pancakes, and quick breads that contain fruit and/or veg with almond flour.  I'm getting the ingredients for a couple of these (using canned pumpkin or apples) that I can try out this week.  I'm hoping one of them will be palatable enough to work as a good substitute for eating Triscuits.


Debbie said...

Zombie walking counts triple.

Sally said...

I'm hoping for no more zombie walking.

Though having finished watching an episode of Game of Thrones just now, those White Walker zombie-like dudes seem to do really well. I could only hope to be 1/3 the bad-ass they are (though it's not a trade-off I would make).