Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Surviving But Barely

"Titmouse Season"--Tuesday, 6/28/16

A peach/coral print top, a white blazer, and a polka dot skirt?  Don't mind if I do.  I don't even care if this inspiration photo dates to the summer of 2012!  I'm a pattern mixer for life.

From happinessatmidlife.com

It's a good opportunity to bring my titmouse blouse out to play again.  Well, if by "play," I mean: watch me go to work and analyze data/create reports/build dashboards and try to stay comfortable on my last day before going to the doctor for stent removal (knock wood)!

Peach titmouse blouse (Kohls), $4.00/wear
Grey polka dot skirt (Kohls), $2.80/wear
White knit blazer (Nordstrom), $4.43/wear
Light grey wedges by BCBGeneration, $6.36/wear
Grey planet necklace (Macy's), $5.00/wear

Outfit total: $22.59/wear

This is an unusual outfit in that it is comprised of zero thrifted pieces.  I'm getting my cost-per-wear down on these puppies birdies.

In other news...Speaking of birds, my manager told me today that a turkey vulture landed on the ledge outside an office he was in for a meeting yesterday and kept staring in at people and freaking them out.

I actually made it through a whole day of work today, but god, I am paying for it now.  I did well until about 4:00, at which point my pain ratcheted itself up several notches.

I learned of a data disaster today that is delaying my end of year analysis by about a month as some people have to go into the database and check/correct thousands of records one by one.  For some reason, the people who are the "functional owners" (a term that is always said with with verbal air quotes because although this is the official line, it is in no way true) of our database of record thought it was perfectly OK to instruct people at sites that they can enter/correct/update scores in a database that is NOT our database of record.  So people were entering/correcting data in two different systems according to their whim.  And for a dozen reasons I don't fully follow, it's not possible (or at least not easy) to update data from one place to the other.  It is not yet clear whether in the end, the data will be consistently entered in the correct places in the database of record to ensure that my dashboards are working correctly either.  Getting these people to get the data right has been one clusterfuck after another this year, with different, irritating problems emerging every quarter (variations on the theme of the data aren't entered/the data are wrong/the data are mostly fixed but a week late), but this one would make me want to Hulk Smash if I weren't in way too much agony to engage in any kind of physical activity.

Seriously, I'm functioning at one level below crying-with-pain right now.  Disapprove.


mom said...

Love the peach titmouse blouse. We see them (the birds, not the blouses) in our backyard from time to time. I reiterate - kidney stones suck!!!

Jen M. said...

Love the outfit. Hope you start feeling better for longer periods of time!

Sally said...

Thanks! I guess it's nice when I can balance feeling bad with looking good ;)

Tam said...

This kidney bullshit has gone on way past long enough.

Sally said...

I know, right?? My health complaints are boring even myself. Thank the gods for Netflix--it's the only thing getting me through. Well, that and Oxy.