Friday, January 16, 2015

Loving Cashmere, Part 1

Great news!  The paper based on my first year research project at My Masters University has been officially accepted by the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.  (JESP is an "A" journal in my field.)  My advisor has been working to get this published for a couple years now, so I was happy to give him first authorship (which most advisors in his position would have taken for himself from day one) as a reflection of how much effort he's put into pushing this paper through the review process.

And now back to our regularly scheduled post.

Red and Blue Again -- Wednesday, 1/7/15

I really don't know what year it is.  I typed "18" above and it took a second to realize why that was wrong was not because it's 2016.

This week was a bit crazy because our assistant director was suddenly like, Oh yeah, because of This Big Event I Wasn't Aware Of on Saturday, we really should have These Two Reports I Thought I Might Eventually Do But That Were On Indefinite Hold posted on our website by Friday.  I started scrambling around a bit frantically but after a while, I realized with amazement that the Excel fu I used in generating the previous iterations of these reports meant that I could just cut and paste in the new SPSS output and everything BOOM updated correctly in Excel, just like it was supposed to (but that so often doesn't work out without all kinds of annoying fiddling).  So I turned those reports around like a boss.

But on Wednesday morning, I was still feeling a bit anxious about this whole thing.

However, I wasn't feeling cold because I was wearing one of the new cashmere pullovers I bought at Macy's Christmas sale for $40...even though it was so cold that several school districts in the area, including Snow City but not Coldville, canceled school.  It was expected to be about -35 F wind chill in the morning -- Coldville's policy is to cancel when it is -40 F wind chill and Snow City's policy is to cancel when it's -35 F wind chill.  (As it turned out, it wasn't quite that cold.)

The media (including social media) was full of discussion about the fact that Coldville didn't cancel school, and I think maybe my favorite visual was a newspaper photo of two girls coming out of a high school at the end of the day, one wearing her hoodie under her jacket up, neither wearing a hat, gloves, or real coats, both looking completely miserable.  WTF PEOPLE???  This is the kind of idiocy I expect of people who don't know from cold.  Meanwhile, I'm wearing a heavy, ankle-length wool coat, short snow boots, and a fleece hat, gloves, and scarf every day just to walk less than 5 minutes from my car to the building.  If I were walking or waiting for the bus, I'd have my giant green puffer coat or my giant purple "stadium" coat (even if it did make me look like Grimace) on with my serious mittens and hat with the ear flaps.  But I'm an old person.  What do I know?

I know how to stay warm in the winter in the frozen north, that's what.

*Red cashmere pullover sweater (Macy's)
Navy Dockers
Navy ponte blazer (Target)
Red/blue fish scarf (Target)
Navy ankle boots by Seychelles

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