Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Job Market, Continued

Mom sent me this post about the stupid processes used by HR departments to find the perfect applicant for jobs.  I also liked this interview with the author of Why Good People Can't Find Jobs.

I have requested Why Good People Can't Find Jobs from my public library.  I liked the list of books with titles that came up on my search.

Liked it so much that I spent a few minutes going backward several pages to look at more of these Why books.

There was a lot of competition for best title, but I think I have to go with this one:  Why Fum'th into Fight.  It's a musical recording of a 16th century hymn apparently.

Runner-up (and I suppose #1 in the Book category) was Why Forums?, published in 1937 by the American Association for Adult Education.  It sounds like a 2013 marketing book about the importance of brand ambassadors engaging in rich social media interactions with customers.

Meanwhile, I continue applying for jobs and getting nibbles.  Today I arranged an in-person interview for next week and applied for a few jobs.  I have a couple more I'd like to apply to this evening.


mom said...

The concept of a "talent shortage" when that is so patently untrue is especially egregious.

Debbie said...

Yes. "HR keeps talking about a talent shortage, but the only talent shortage is in the HR offices." It's hard to believe this is even more true now than in the past.

That was a pretty interesting search.

Hang in there!

jen said...

Google search auto-complete.

For "why good", the third one was "why good employees leave".

For "why good people", the second one was "why good people can't find jobs".

Sally said...

Nice auto-completes :)