Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Easy Peasy

I agree with this blog post that:

1) Frozen vegetables are awesome, and
2) The fact that fresh veg can be a pain to prepare is not the reason people are eating junk food instead of veg (contra claims in the NY Times article he links to).

Further, I believe that Steamfresh frozen sweet peas are the bomb.

Tonight, after getting home from dissecting a sheep's brain (and yes, thoroughly washing my brain-speckled hands), I ate baby carrots with light ranch dressing for "dinner."


Tam said...

Yeah, I saw that on Megan McArdle's blog and agreed, and knew that you would agree too. They are very easy to make and they keep pretty well until you are ready to use them.

I'm pretty sure people eat junk food over veggies because it's much more delicious.

Lee Ryan said...

I thought you might eat the sheep's brain.

(to slightly misquote) "...with some fava beans and a nice chianti"

Tam said...

I don't think she wants to get into the habit of eating her subjects.

Sally said...

I think avoiding organ meats of any species is a good plan.

Tam said...

I really wouldn't want to see you get a prion disease.

Tam said...

Just make sure that your green peas don't have glass in them.