Monday, June 7, 2010

This Weekend in Ten Minutes

* Robert brought blackberries from the farmers market that were approximately 2" long and 1" in diameter and impossibly sweet. He also brought the Oatmeal Cookie of the Gods, containing golden raisins and coconut.

* I purchased new car insurance (at half the cost of my current policy) and renter's insurance.

* We went out early one morning with hopes of seeing the rabbit at the community garden, and just as I had given up, Robert spotted him outside the garden fence and only a few feet away from the safety of the bushes. He is indeed a big, healthy rabbit. He stood stock still while we watched him, and he kept his ears tilted 180 degrees backwards the better to monitor this potentially dangerous situation. I could have stood there all day but only looked for a very brief time so we didn't scare the poor guy to death. I love the way rabbits often have that reddish-brown fur on the napes of their necks.

* I guess I have reached some magical number with my investments because I got a very expensive direct mail piece welcoming me to the next level of service with the company.

* I am ready to find out what the hell is happening with the Big 12.

OK, back to work for me.

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