Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Stamp Box

Late this summer, I finally finished this project that I started, if I recall correctly, about 6 years ago as a gift for my mom. Wait, it was longer ago than that. I remember purchasing the wooden box at a craft store (with supplies for a few other projects) after my accidental lay-off in the summer of 2001 but before starting my new one in September. So make that 8 years.

I had managed to paint the box black, but never got around to putting on any stamps, in part because so many of my stamps were in a non-usable state (e.g. still stuck to envelopes). Since I got my stamp collection in order in July or so, I was able to pick up this project again and finish it very quickly.

My own stamp box is covered in a variety of stamps reflecting my interests or just featuring stamps I liked but no particular themes. For this one, I settled on three themes that worked well together, I found: Birds, Flowers, and Love stamps. I have been holding on to the mint 29 cent Whooping Crane stamp for an age (since 1994, when it was released), and I'm glad I found such a good use for it - as the center around which all the other stamps were placed.

It's taken me a while to get this photo up because I am currently in a somewhat screwy computer situation. I am using my school-supplied laptop for most things, because it's faster, has a nicer monitor, has some software that I use but don't have on the desktop (e.g. PowerPoint), and it contains a lot of my current data since it's the one I take to school with me (rather than carrying my gigantic, ancient desktop system, imagine that). But I have yet to successfully link my laptop to the desktop system so that I can print, nor can I connect to the web wirelessly (though using the cord is working fine, if it's a bit of a pain at times dealing with the cord). I also haven't tried moving software from the desktop to the laptop, including the software for my camera. I hope that over this coming long-ish weekend, Robert can help me get some of this stuff straightened out. I'm starting to wonder whether I can, to a great extent, make my desktop redundant, or at least set things up so the laptop is the primary computer in the system.

1 comment:

mom said...

Sally, I am using the box to keep stamps and return address labels, etc. I absolutely love it. Dad loves it, too. He knows that's where that stuff is and it's easy to find. You even managed to find a stamp with a great blue heron, which, as you know, is my favorite bird.