Thursday, February 28, 2008

One Rabbit-Related Movie Left

UPDATE: Cartaufalous supplied the name - Fatal Attraction. Tam, I get those two names mixed up all the time also.

Tam is thinking of the right movie here. Can anybody help her out with the name of this 1987 film that was nominated for 6 Oscars? Tam is correct in thinking that the name of the movie takes the form of Adjective Abstract-Noun.

"Oh! 5 has got to be that movie where someone kills someone else's pet (I can't bring myself to type the word) because of some kind of messed-up obsessive love situation!

Unfortunately I never actually saw that movie and therefore can't name it.

I keep wanting to say Basic Instinct but that is a different movie which I really did see.

Well, maybe this will help someone."

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