Thursday, February 21, 2008

Leo's Movie Meme


UPDATE: Only one movie left, people!

UPDATE: Leo has authorized some more quotes for the remaining two movies.

UPDATE: Leo has instructed me to post additional quotes for your movie-guessing enjoyment.

While Robert's quotes percolate in your brain, here is Leo's list of a dozen movies which he views with varying degrees of approval and disapproval. Miss Potter and one of Robert's unidentified movies would also have made Leo's list if we hadn't done them first.

Same rules as before.

1. Are you suggesting madam that there exists a law compelling a gentleman to lay hold of canine bowel movements?

Victorian dude, who has never seen a Met's game, watching TV. Scene: "I say, are those little people in that box of phosphors. Crikey, I believe it is. This game is more beguiling than cricket"

Kate & Leopold, Mom - Leo approves of this movie, for whom he and Kate were named by the rabbit rescue group.

2. Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally won out over it.

Does Elwood see anybody these days?
Oh, yes, Aunt Ethel, Elwood sees *somebody*.

Harvey, Mom - Leo approves of big rabbit friends.

3. Oh, no, it's only rabbits in there. The hare, I think you'll find, is a much larger mammal.
The Curse of the Were-Rabbit, Mom - Leo approves of this movie, especially for the establishment of the rabbit habitat and the reminder that buns are not all sweetness and fluff.

4. Get away, you damn white bird!
Watership Down, Tam - Leo approves of this story.

5. Bring the dog, I love animals... I'm a great cook.

Well, what am I supposed to do? You won't answer my calls, you change your number. I mean, I'm not gonna be ignored, Dan!

Alex Forrest: And don't you think I understand what you're doing? You're trying to move him into the country... and you're keeping him away from me. And you're playing happy family. Aren't you?
[begins to slice her own leg with a butcher knife]
Alex Forrest: You wouldn't understand that because you're so... so selfish. He told me about you. He told me about you. He was very honest. If you weren't so stupid, you'd know that. But you're so stupid. You're so stupid... you're a stupid, selfish bitch!

Dan Gallagher: She keeps calling the apartment. When Beth answers the phone, she hangs up. I'm scared Jimmy, and I don't want to lose my family.

Fatal Attraction, Tam and cartaufalous (joint effort) - Leo thoroughly disapproves of how Alex treated the family's pet rabbit. (He has not seen this movie, but it is legend among rabbits; he has heard more about it than he wanted to know from rabbits at the sitter's.)

6. Careful, she's stark ravin' mad!
Alice in Wonderland (the March Hare), Mom - Leo approves of the Alice tales except for the fact that there are no veggies at the tea party; what kind of party is that?

D: Where did you come from?
F: Do you believe in time travel?

F: 28 days... 6 hours... 42 minutes... 12 seconds. That... is when the world... will end.

D: [in a letter] Dear Roberta Sparrow, I have reached the end of your book and... there are so many things that I need to ask you. Sometimes I'm afraid of what you might tell me. Sometimes I'm afraid that you'll tell me that this is not a work of fiction. I can only hope that the answers will come to me in my sleep. I hope that when the world comes to an end, I can breathe a sigh of relief, because there will be so much to look forward to.

Dr. Lilian Thurman: Has he ever told you about his friend Frank?
Rose: Frank?
Dr. Lilian Thurman: Yes, the giant bunny rabbit...
Edward: What?
Rose: ...I don't recall him ever having mentioned a rabbit...

Donnie Darko, cartaufalous - Leo disapproves of this movie because it is scary.

V: Tell my son the time that his father died. Tell him...
M: No. He won't even know your name.

Pan's Labyrinth, Tam - Leo disapproves of this movie with its depiction of dead rabbits.

9. Right! Silly little bleeder. One rabbit stew comin' right up!

Look, that rabbit's got a vicious streak a mile wide! It's a killer!

Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Jen - Leo approves of rabbits that kick major ass since he is an attack rabbit himself.

10. That's the one good thing about Paris: there's a lot of girls willing to take their clothes off.

R: I believe you are blushing, Mr. Big Artiste. I can't imagine Monsieur Monet blushing.
J: He does landscapes.

Titanic, Jen - Leo views this movie with mixed approval and disapproval. He doesn't like that people frequently assume he and Kate were named after the actors in this movie, but he thinks that the 30-second rabbit version of this movie is pretty nifty. (For more 30 second rabbit movies, see this site.)

11. He doesn't walk very good, does he?

T: Uh-uh. Bir-duh!
Other rabbits: Come on, say "Bird." Say "Bird"...
B: Bird!
[rabbits scatter and run to mother]
Other rabbits: He talked, he talked! He talked, mama! The young prince said "bird."

Bambi, Jen - Leo approves of how well this movie portrays the sweet and fluffy side of rabbit personality.

12. I have no choice but to dismiss you. It breaks my heart, but I can't expose my guests to your firearms. It may be wrong of them, but they value their lives.
The Rules of the Game, Tam - Leo disapproves of this movie in the strongest possible terms since it is to all appearances a genuine rabbit snuff film.


Tam said...

Sir Leo:

I believe #8 is Pan's Labryinth. Please advise.

Tam said...

And furthermore, I believe #12 is that black and white French movie that has the song "O Du Lieber Augustine" in it. The title may be The Rules or something similar.

Tam said...

Now I'm thinking it's Rules of the Game.

Tam said...

I'm going to guess that #4 is Watership Down, based solely on their being a "damn white bird" in that book.

And I do most heartily apologize for the serial posting.

Anonymous said...

Is #6 Wallace & Gromit/The Curse of the Were-Rabbit?

Sally said...

Tam - All three guesses are correct. Leo congratulates you for your work.

Mom - *#6* is not Curse of the Were-Rabbit (although I agree it sounds like it)...but another one might be. Want to try again?

Anonymous said...

Now I'm thinking #6 is Alice in Wonderland.

Anonymous said...

Is #3 Wallace & Gromit/Curse of the Were-Rabbit?

Sally said...

Mom - Yes! #6 is Alice in Wonderland, when Alice repeats the riddle "Why is a raven like a writing desk?", the March Hare says, "Careful, she's stark ravin' mad."

And #3 is the Were-Rabbit.

Good job.

Tam said...

As for Leo disapproving of Rules of the Game, I suspected as much. I only find myself hoping that he disapproves of it in theoretical terms and did not choose to view it himself.

Sally said...

Unfortunately, Leo and Kate both have seen "The Rules of the Game" at our old apartment, in which their cage and running area was in the living room with the TV. But when Robert and I realized what was going on, we admonished them not to look, so I hope they were not too traumatized by the experience.

Anonymous said...

#7 is Kate and Leopold?

Sally said...

Mom - Good guess but *#7* is not Kate and Leopold, despite the time travel element. Try again.

Anonymous said...

#1 must be Kate and Leopold.

Sally said...

Mom, yes!

Sally said...

Mom, yes!

Anonymous said...

#10 Titanic?

Sally said...

Jen - you guessed correctly. Congrats on not letting the rabbit theme screw you up :)

Anonymous said...

Is #2 Harvey?

Sally said...

#2 is Harvey

Anonymous said...

I want one of these to be the Quest for the Holy Grail for the killer rabbit scene. The only one that seems plausible is #9...

Anonymous said...

Is #11 Bambi?

Sally said...

Jen, you are rocking these movies - both guesses are correct.

Sally said...

Jen, you are rocking these movies - both guesses are correct.

cartaufalous said...

#7 is Donny Darko.

Sally said...

Cartaufalous - you are right!

Tam said...

Oh! 5 has got to be that movie where someone kills someone else's pet (I can't bring myself to type the word) because of some kind of messed-up obsessive love situation!

Unfortunately I never actually saw that movie and therefore can't name it.

I keep wanting to say "Basic Instinct" but that is a different movie which I really did see.

Well, maybe this will help someone.

cartaufalous said...

Fatal Attraction, maybe?

Sally said...

cartaufalous - yes, that's the one.