Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Backyard Birding, Of A Sort

Because I stayed up late last night (exercised too late, then cramps), and got under 6 hours of sleep the night before, I didn't get up with Robert's alarm this morning at 6:00. Instead I spent the next two hours half-dozing, half-lounging with my head under a pillow.

At one point, I was in my parents' living room, looking out the back windows at four giant colorful birds (two adult, two young) on the fence.
"What kind of birds are those?" I asked my mom.
"Hmm... I don't know."
"They aren't turkeys, not with those strange crowns, but they are not familiar at all... Wait," I said, recognizing this experience of viewing of exotic, fantastical birds in my mom's yard, "I'm dreaming now, aren't I." (I dream about this situation quite often.)
My mom looked over the tops of her reading glasses at me from the sofa and said, "How should I know?"
"Fair point. OK." I went to the glass patio doors in the dining room, thinking: if this works, I must be dreaming. I opened the door slightly, then pushed it closed really hard so that the glass expanded out - sort of like the metal hinged doors in old elevators but glass, so it makes no sense - and covered the entire back wall of the house. "OK, I am definitely dreaming." For further amusement, I walked up the side of the wall like Spiderman and then walked across the floor on my hands. Then I could not resist making the radio come on to play Nashville pop country music with these lyrics that I made up on the spot for the occasion:

"I waited for the darkness
And hoped for the rain
But I was the one to fall."

At this point, I was sufficiently satisfied with testing my powers that I decided to wake up, and did.

Someday I am going to see someone's escaped parrot sitting on the branch of my parents' pear tree and become very, very confused when I am unable to make Bell (the cat) float across the room using the powers of my mind or, worse, hurt myself attempting to juggle their knives.


Anonymous said...

Sally, I will be sure to let you know if I see any big, colorful birds in our backyard. In fact, if I do see them I, for sure, will be calling my personal Birding Hotline to find out what they are.

Anonymous said...

I had one dream like this, only instead of big, beautiful birds, it was all the planets lined up in a row, looking as large as they do in the photos taken through telescopes. I could see them right through the sliding glass doors leading to a back deck.

I've never figured out that I was dreaming while I was dreaming, though. Only once did I even test myself. But instead of the flying test, I did the pinch-yourself test. Since the pinch hurt, I knew I wasn't dreaming.

That is a stupid test. Also, it hurts.

Sally said...

I've never tried the pinch test myself.

It is not totally uncommon for me to realize that I am dreaming, especially during any sleep that occurs after about 6:00 a.m. I have many times been able to decide what I wanted to dream about and fall back asleep, directing my dream in great detail. That can be a lot of fun.