Wednesday, August 18, 2010


You absolutely must avoid this product, the Kashi "cranberry" and walnut snack bar. Despite the name and the picture implying that it will, you know, feature cranberries significantly, it does not. It is a granola bar with a grey-ish tan goop on the top, made out of dates but with other flavors added to make it nastier than dates. I wish I had looked at this ingredients list earlier:

It does not contain any actual cranberries. There is cranberry juice concentrate, listed after such prominent ingredients as cornstarch and soy grits. Also, to make it extra Sally-friendly, it contains lime juice.

My parents and I could not, among the three of us, finish one bar. One bite, and that's all we could tolerate - even my dad, who is not exactly well-known for being picky.

I called Kashi today and they are sending me a coupon for a free replacement product. I think I'm going to stick with my favorites this time - the dark mocha almond bars. They are delightfully not-sweet (just short of bitter, actually).


mom said...

It does pay to complain if it's to the right people. At least this way you aren't out the money for something you couldn't stand to eat.

Lee Ryan said...

I'm a goat. I guess. I've eaten a couple of those before. (not all at the same time at least... :-) )

Sally said...

I got a coupon for $3 worth of Kashi bars for 8 minutes of work (most of which were sitting on hold and reading a magazine article about bird conservation on military installations). Not bad.

Sally said...

Lee, I don't know whether to be impressed or terrified by your taste buds.

Tam said...

Thanks for the warning. You definitely expect a cranberry bar to have craisins in it. Yum! Not cranberry juice concentrate.

I think I must have a taste for bitter things myself, considering how much I like plain iced tea and green vegetables [not together].