Monday, August 16, 2010

Closer to an Actual Draft

I am getting very, very close to having my first draft of my major area paper completed. (It's amazing that when you write up your outline with complete, detailed sentences and transition words and phrases, turning the outline into a draft consists primarily of removing bullet points and formatting paragraphs with double spacing.) My major concern at this point is that the 60 page limit is looking extremely short to me, especially given the length of my bibliography. I am already setting aside various chunks of the outline (for later use in the more extensive lit review in my thesis), but more stuff will have to go. I recognize that having too much to say is a great problem to have in my position. (The handbook does not indicate a page limit for the thesis, an oversight that my committee may regret this spring.)

Of course, when I say "first draft," I shouldn't imply that everything is brand spanking new. I am on version 7 of the methods and results for Experiment 1 and version 3 of Experiment 2 (not that my advisor has already been subjected to all the interim drafts).

Also, I just want to say how much I am looking forward to sleeping in a real bed tonight.


Tam said...

I was just reading this out loud to Ed (though he also keeps you on his RSS) and we agreed that you are a "whole different kind of dork."

Sally said...

Would that be, the kind who expresses ideas in words rather than mathematical symbols?

mom said...

I hope you sleep well!! I am looking forward to sleeping in my own bed tonight.