Monday, July 12, 2010

Holy Exploding Lightbulb, Batman

My small excitement of the day: a lightbulb in the ceiling fan above my reading desk exploded and showered fine specks of glass all over the desk and floor (in addition to the main part of the bulb that came down in one piece). Fortunately, I was sitting at the computer desk a few feet away and did not get glass on myself. Well, I needed to vacuum up the tiny pieces of cloth and thread that got on the floor from the flag shirt project on Friday anyway, and I cannot remember the last time I dusted that desk.

And yes, the sound scared the hell out of me.


Tam said...

Wow, I bet that did scare you. Regular incandescent bulb, I assume?

Sally said...

Yes, it was a regular incandescent bulb, thankfully.

Debbie said...
