Sunday, April 11, 2010

More Word Clouds

This weekend, I finished my seminar paper for developmental psychology. Here's what it's about. (You can click on the image for a larger version.)

I was surprised that the words "vulnerable" and "susceptible" didn't show up larger, given how I felt that I was typing them all the time.

And here is a word cloud of the presentation from last semester's cognitive class.

I think my favorite thing about this one is how the word "Pepsi" shows up seemingly at random at the top center. "less brain" in the upper-right corner is my second favorite thing.

Using presentation text rather than paper text results in a word cloud with a very different feel.

Starting to a notice a theme here? Just wait until the word cloud for the personality seminar paper I'm working on shows up.


Tam said...

I have to say, word clouds are a really awesome and entertaining way to let us know what something is about (if not what it says).

Sally said...

Yeah, I think they're pretty cool. Anybody who ever wants to know more, let me know. I'd be happy to overwhelm you with information. :)