Monday, July 13, 2009

Robert's Closet: Soda Cans

The first time I visited Robert at his mother's house, I went to the fridge for a Dr Pepper, started to drink it, and was surprised by how good it tasted. This was an odd sensation, since I drank DP regularly at that time, but I figured I must have really been in the mood for a soda or something. Whatever, I drank it straight down.

Turns out I had accidentally taken Robert's last (I think it was the very last) can of highly-prized and difficult-to-acquire Dublin Dr Pepper, made from pure cane sugar instead of corn syrup. He had been holding on to this glorious elixir for some time, waiting for the right moment to quaff it, as one might save a spectacular wine for a special occasion.

Somehow, our relationship survived this event.

I love the DP Fat Cat


Jen M. said...

He at least had to appreciate that you did notice the extra-yummy factor :)

rvman said...

Well this was the FIRST time we dated. I can't say this contributed to later problems, but...