Sunday, May 20, 2018

The End of Tights Season

#NatureTwinning Part 54:  Brought to you by New Guinea

Purple Impatiens--Wednesday, 4/18/18

This is the first time I'm showing this blouse on the blog, though it's the second time I wore it (previously: on a Sunday with skinny black jeans for easiest weekend outfit).  It's the third blouse of this type I purchased--along with the plain black one and the teal/black floral one.

Black/purple/pink floral blouse (JCP), $12.76

Outfit cost per wear (OCPW): $13.61

I felt pretty happy that I recognize impatiens.  After all, Google thought these were petunias (which I can kind of understand, actually, as both flowers have similar dark areas, though impatiens are flat and petunias are not), so it's not a given.  But then I read that impatiens is a genus of 850-1,000 species, so I wasn't narrowing things down a lot with that label.  However!  These are surely the popular garden flower New Guinea impatiens, no?  I mean, when I say "impatiens," I basically mean "New Guinea impatiens," as that is, indeed, the only kind I know.

The scientific name Impatiens (Latin for "impatient") and the common name "touch-me-not" refer to the explosive dehiscence of the seed capsules. The mature capsules burst, sending seeds up to several meters away.

Science has some of the greatest terminology ever.  Explosive dehiscence!

Missouri Botanical Garden

Gentoo Penguin in The Wild--Thursday, 4/19/18

It feels right that my last tights outfit of the season features this white skirt that I prefer wearing in the winter with contrasting tights.  Here even the shoes are a different color (purple to match the blouse), breaking the 2-of-3 rule (tights should match skirt and/or shoes) in a fun but low-key way, I think, for my business casual workplace.

Have I praise-god-hands-emoji'ed the wonders of chain necklace extenders recently?  I think I clasped two of them together at the end of this necklace so that I could wear it lower, on top of the blouse but below the collar, which I thought looked terrific and had the added advantage of kind of holding the blouse and collar in place.  These extenders are like $5 apiece and make necklaces a lot more versatile.

OCPW: $13.74

Nobody knows how this penguin got the name "gentoo" but the scientific name for the genus, Pygoscelis, means "rump-tailed" and is a reference to the side-to-side sweep of the relatively long tail as it sticks out behind a waddling gentoo.  The species name papua is based on the initial erroneous belief that the bird lived in Papua New Guinea.

St Louis Zoo

In other news...I am working on a rabbit-photo version of the musical Hamilton called Hamilbun.  I have officially lost my mind.


Jen M. said...

Hamilbun! Lol. Can't wait ;)

Sally said...

It's astonishing how many of the characters in Hamilton have names that rhyme with "bun." A sign from the gods, clearly.

Tam said...

I'm so ready for Hamilbun. So ready.