Monday, May 24, 2010

Spring Grades

I just checked my grades online - all A's! I'm happy.


Tam said...

Way to go!

I had the same, though this is not as impressive in my program.

Sally said...

But it's impressive enough - I'm sure there are few in your classes who could say the same.

It's nice that I'll be applying to PhD programs with a 4.0 from the first year of my masters program.

mom said...

That's great!!

Tam said...

Yeah, the 4.0 is great for applications. And I think you decided you could get two A-'s in your program, right? And you only have three classes left?

Sally said...

Yes, 3 classes left. 2 in the fall (physio and ethnic identity/unconscious processes, 1 in the spring (elective). I expect physio to be the place I'm likeliest to use a "B" from here out.