Friday, August 28, 2009

Things Not to Say

UPDATE: Amusingly, my two potential advisors brought these topics up themselves when describing their own research interests! I really liked both of them and am going to have an extremely difficult time putting them in rank order. Fortunately, they both work together a fair amount, and are in the same lab, so I will have the opportunity to work with both of them over the course of the program. It's just a matter of deciding who I would prefer to be my thesis advisor, and I think I would be pleased with either one. This is the kind of difficult decision that I like to have.

It strikes me that I probably shouldn't say to potential advisors that my time in the program so far has sharpened my interest in studying post-decision regret and ambivalent attitudes.


Tam said...


mom said...

Nice problem to have. It's much easier to choose the better of good options than the better of bad options.

Tam said...

Any chance some of the SYGS might be able to give you insight (i.e., dirt)?