Friday, February 23, 2007

Two Great Tastes

I just noticed that although my profile suggests that I am interested in both "healthy cooking" and "exercise and outdoor recreation," I have not posted anything on either of these subjects. So let's look at a delightful recipe combining both of these pursuits that was posted today by James Lileks, who brought us the totally unforgettable Gallery of Regrettable Food.

If this were from the Joy of Cooking, it would specify the age of the raccoon.

Those of you in other states will need to consult the hunting regulations from your own fish and game agency, but in Texas, there is no closed season and no bag limit on recreational harvest of these fur-bearers. Just make sure you have your hunting or trapper's license unless you are fortunate enough to catch one causing damage to personal property or livestock on your own land. In that case, go ahead and have at him.

This recipe would make a fine centerpiece for a dinner party featuring fusion cuisine. May I recommend a "We're sure Hungary in Arkansas" theme?


Anonymous said...

I was walking Ginger and Gracie around the neighborhood the other night and we actually saw a rather large racoon in a tree. We were all quite fascinated and stood there a few minutes staring at it while I hummed 'Rocky Racoon'. I promised the girls that if they could catch it I would cook it so thanks for the recipe Sally.

Anonymous said...

I always appreciate your recipes, Sal, but being vegetarian and Californian, I don't think we'll be using this one. :)

Sally said...

Raw raccoon or plain roasted raccoon may have been good enough for the mutts of yesteryear, but today's dogs demand more complex concoctions to tempt their sophisticated palates. I applaud your taking the culinary niceties into considerations.

And it had occurred to me that I have a high proportion of vegetarians in my readership, but I was unable to find a good source for faux-coon.

I guess the raccoon on Jen's patio is going to live to break another birdbath. Lucky guy.