Sunday, February 25, 2007

Ironically Enough...

It took me about 45 minutes to get the previous post, in which I claim that I do not have problems with computer software, to go up such that all the text was the same size and spacing. Of course, this means that everything is tiny and scrunched and looks basically terrible. What the hell? I didn't realize there was any way to screw this up using the Blogger software. Is it something about my photograph? I didn't have any problem when I uploaded other images. Anybody out there know anything about this kind of thing?

I am very curious now whether this entry is going to be posted in all caps, italics, or with an automatic translation into Swahili or something.


rvman said...

My guess is the picture is too big, and the shrinking process to allow it to fit on the page is breaking something.

Sally said...

That's a good thought; I'll test out resizing the photo. But isn't it important that everyone can compare the size of the camera not only to the card but also to the motes of dust that have collected on the surface of the desk? Oh well.

Tam said...

Hey, I posted a comment here, but it disappeared!

My comment said that I've had this problem in Blogger a lot, and it's really frustrating. Sometimes if you click over the html tab, you can see what's gone wrong in the tags, but sometimes not. I usually just futz around with it until it improves enough for me to tolerate.