Monday, October 24, 2011

Day 1

Although I'm not getting all neo-paleo like Tam with my diet, I did re-start my old wheat- and corn-free diet today.  I've been feeling sick a lot lately, and since I know that my digestive system isn't happy with these foods, and these foods (grains in general) are pretty much not that great anyway, I thought it was worth trying to go without them for a while and see if I improve.  Although there are a lot of limits to self-experimentation (and my approach is obviously confounded), I don't really care.  I'd just like to feel better and I'd happily give up these foods to do it.  I was wheat-, corn-, yeast-, and lactose-free for two years during college (which was NOT an easy environment for weird food restrictions), so it shouldn't be too hard to do.  With rice and oats still on the table (so to speak), I won't have to make too many changes to my diet, I don't think.  We'll see how it goes.


mom said...

Food for Life has a white rye bread that has no wheat in it. I haven't tried it yet, but I would like to if I can find it. Good luck with your new food plan. I hope you start feeling better soon.

Jen M. said...

With more gluten-free options, it should be easier to find foods that work for you. Feel better!