Friday, February 4, 2011

Not Very Much about PhD Applications

I keep wanting to post about something other than my PhD applications, but things really heated up this week.  I had two phone interviews and then right before bed, I had an email from a tip-top marketing program (like, #2) wanting to do a phone interview on Monday (which I have scheduled).  I lay in bed last night for a while feeling just flat stunned before I fell asleep - I hadn't had any expectation of hearing anything from them except for a rejection letter.  I'm also juggling visitor weekend invites from a couple of psychology programs.

The conference I attended last weekend was good.  I had a fun time with my poster presentation - it's kind of like a science fair in that you stand there and wait for people to come by and take an interest in your research.  (I even felt like I sort of had a "fan" based on this one guy's reaction, although maybe he just wanted to have an excuse to talk to me for a while.)  I enjoyed many of the sessions where people talked about their research and was super impressed by the hour-long talk on the purpose of consciousness.  I was also pleased to discover that Ringo Starr is alive, well, and doing psychological research at the University of Texas.  I learned that you should really find out how much things cost before ordering in an expensive hotel - I enjoyed the breakfast buffet the morning I left town, but not $23 worth.  (I had peanut butter on a slice of bread, ingredients I packed from home, the other mornings consistent with Operation Cheap Ass.)

This week, I spent most of my work time in the lab, collecting data for my thesis.  If all goes well, I should be done with data collection next Wed. and can start getting down and dirty with my analysis.  I can hardly wait to see if what I attempted to do worked at all.  

Tomorrow morning, Robert and I are watching the very last episode of Lost.  It'll be strange to be through with this show.  I wonder whether I will have the same kind of mild ennui that I suffered after watching the last episode of Buffy.  I hope the new Doctor Who is good so that we can use it as the Robert-compatible replacement for Lost in our Netflix TV line-up.

Meanwhile, my haircut continues to be a disaster.  I keep finding new places that need to be trimmed, straightened-up, etc., so it's a constantly evolving mess.  In a couple weeks, it should be long enough that I can get it re-cut. 


Tam said...

Wow, the phone call from a tip-top place is pretty exciting!

mom said...

I never had any doubt that you would have several schools interested, but it is gratifying to have so many that are interested. I'm amazed you could sleep at all. I'm sure I wouldn't have.