Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Obvious

My developmental exam grade was 92 (about 70th percentile, assuming a normal distribution, which I probably should not do, but I was so chuffed to have the prof report the mean and standard deviation that I could not resist). I did a pretty good job on everything but one section, where I lost major points for failing to answer the question that was asked for each of three topics. But the answer was so obvious, it somehow didn't occur to me that I needed to state it explicitly even though the question was clear on that point in retrospect. Oops.

In personality class yesterday we were discussing cognitive units (ways people think), and in reference to an article we read on time perspective, the prof asked us, While reading the paper, who wondered what time perspective they have? I had my head down over some notes I was writing and he said, Sally, what about you - you didn't wonder about that? I looked up and everyone but me and one other person was raising their hand. Oh, I said, I didn't wonder; it was obvious to me.


Tam said...

You do tend to have a curious relationship with the obvious.

rvman said...

A curious relationship with time, also.