Saturday, November 28, 2009

That Sounds Right

This morning I finally watched the Robert Rodriguez movie Spy Kids (which has been in my Netflix queue approximately forever as a "wait" until showing up unexpectedly last week in my mailbox) and was really surprised by how exactly Floop's song sounded like it belonged on the Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack. I looked it up and oh, they're all by Danny Elfman. I like the song (and Alan Cummings' performance) but I was a little jarred by the similarity. Is there a point at which this reaches the level of self-plagiarism?

Somebody did nice a video of the song that I recommend checking out.

As for the movie itself: If you somehow have missed this one, see it. Now. It's a lot of fun.


mom said...

Wow, that really did sound like Nightmare Before Christmas!!

Sally said...

Mom, glad I'm not the only one who thought that!