Monday, April 28, 2008

Consumer Behavior Grade

My professor emailed the scores today, and I have a 99.7. So there's really no point in taking the optional final to replace the 94 I got on the 3rd exam. Yay.

It looks like we got a 93 on our 5 minute presentation last week, which is good considering how little work we put into it. Actually, when I say "we" I am not sure whether everyone in my group got the same score or not. We all got the same score on the report, so I assume so, but we all did a post-project group evaluation which could have impacted the final grade for the project. In any event, I'm well-pleased.

(The reason it is as high as 99.7 is that we can earn up to two points on our final grade by doing special assignments; I would have a 97.7 without this bonus.)

It is rather a reassuring thing to have gotten such a ridiculously high grade in the class, given that I am planning to make consumer behavior my profession. But it's amusing that this is the second-lowest grade I have had at Texas State, following my intro to marketing class last semester. I had full 100's in my psychology class and have killed the math classes due to grading on a curve.

If this school gave A+'s, I would be even happier. The difference between a 91 and a 99.7 (or 100-something) is pretty huge. Of course, theoretically, this means that I could just not work as hard to get a lower A but I'm not going to do that. I have to hope that the simple A's will be burnished by professors' recommendations.

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