Thursday, January 17, 2008

My Big Five Scores

I must have taken a different version of the test (I did the Twins one) from Tam because my score sheet varied a lot from hers. But this is what they told me:

Openness to experience/intellect = 68th percentile (Tam: 59th)

**You typically don't seek out new experiences.

Conscientiousness = 83rd percentile (Tam: 2nd - hah!)

**You are very well-organized, and can be relied upon.

Extraversion = 38th percentile (Tam: 53rd)

**You probably enjoy spending quiet time alone.

Agreeableness = 44th percentile (Tam: 69th)

**You find it easy to criticize others. [Indeed, it is one of my favorite pasttimes.]

Neuroticism = 91st percentile (!) (Tam: 32nd, the happy-go-lucky duck)

**You are a generally anxious person and tend to worry about things.

They also provided this additional information - The following statements tend to describe people like you:

**Be emotionally expressive at times with mood changes which were occasionally unpredictable

**Occasionally lack clarity about self, sporadically experience feelings of boredom and have goals that change occasionally altering their future plans

**Experience a moderate amount of discomfort when alone and have some difficulty coping when separated from someone they were close, at times, fearing rejection

**Rarely experience things they feel are strange, clearly see themselves and their surroundings, and experience little difficulty thinking when under stress [So, neurotic but not psychotic?]


rvman said...


I got 35/17/0/64/41. Not very extroverted. I knew that. Sally and I were more similar than 64% of pairs, that is, not especially similar or dissimilar. I don't suppose anyone will be surprised that I am somewhat less neurotic than she is, also. Oh yeah, "And a lot less conscientious," as Sally states with a firm(critical?) voice while reading over my shoulder.

Anonymous said...

I didn't take the twins version because you have to register. But I am O65-C69-E18-A32-N43.

"You are relatively open to new experiences. You are well-organized, and are reliable. You probably enjoy spending quiet time alone. You find it easy to express irritation with others. You aren't particularly nervous, nor calm."

Yeah, pretty much.

Anonymous said...

I suck! ;)


O: You enjoy having novel experiences and seeing things in new ways.
C: You tend to do things somewhat haphazardly.
E: You tend to shy away from social situations.
A: You find it easy to criticize others.
N: You are a generally anxious person and tend to worry about things.

Anonymous said...

My scores are O7-C97-E37-A79-N76, which means

I prefer traditional and familiar experiences.

I am very well-organized, and can be relied upon.

I tend to shy away from social situations.

I tend to consider the feelings of others.

I tend to become anxious or nervous.

None of this surprises me.

Sally said...

Rick & Mom - I could start a "Neurotic Support Group" for us, but that would probably be a social situation we would all shy away from ;)

Jen - maybe it's good you aren't very talkative, so most of the expression of irritation perhaps happens in subtle body language that annoying people like me don't notice.

Rvman & Jen - More evidence that you are two are not, in fact, the same person.