I took this photo of Kate and Leo about a week and a half ago with my new camera. Aren't they adorable?
Tonight as soon as I opened the front door, Leo thumped at me from the bunny room, which was unusual. When I went in, Leo was clambering at the door of the cage but Katy was lying very still. I wanted to think that maybe she was asleep but she didn't react when I spoke to her or hit the floor next to their cage. She must have died several hours before I got home because her back legs were very stiff, thus demonstrating how the "dead bunny" sleep position differs in one significant aspect from the real thing. I let Leo out of the cage and I couldn't tell at first whether he even knew that Katy was dead because he got up in my lap as usual for his evening papaya digestive pills and petromalt and hung around me to be petted. But later, when Robert had gotten home, Leo went into the cage again and sort of nudged at Katy in a couple places before coming out again for more petting. Then when Robert and I left the room, Leo almost immediately went back into the cage and lay down next to her for a while. I think he knows.
I had not noticed before how grey Katy had gotten, especially in the face and back. Our best guess is that the rabbits are about 7 years old, but it's very possible Katy could be older than that. She is (was) certainly old enough that it is not completely unusual that she could die suddenly.
Katy was a very beautiful bunny (so cute that she was frequently featured in photos on the House Rabbit website) who loved eating cilantro and dried strawberries, stealing carrots from under Leo's nose, digging in her litter box, destroying large cardboard castles, and licking Leo's ears. During her shed phase, she would lose fur on her face so that it had deep grooves in it; I would tease her about being a groovy old girl. When Katy first came to live with us 3 1/2 years ago, she was distrustful of people and disliked being touched in any way. By the end, she had become thoroughly comfortable and even seemed to enjoy it when we would pet her. As a rex rabbit, she has incredibly soft fur that prompted Tam to remark that you never actually touch her but rather feel the softness waves that emanate from her. If so, these waves are so powerful as to continue after death. I knew that I was going to take Kate and Leo home from the very first moment I touched them at the house where they were being fostered. It was wonderful to have Katy around and we are going to miss her, and seeing her sweet face, very much.
Tonight as soon as I opened the front door, Leo thumped at me from the bunny room, which was unusual. When I went in, Leo was clambering at the door of the cage but Katy was lying very still. I wanted to think that maybe she was asleep but she didn't react when I spoke to her or hit the floor next to their cage. She must have died several hours before I got home because her back legs were very stiff, thus demonstrating how the "dead bunny" sleep position differs in one significant aspect from the real thing. I let Leo out of the cage and I couldn't tell at first whether he even knew that Katy was dead because he got up in my lap as usual for his evening papaya digestive pills and petromalt and hung around me to be petted. But later, when Robert had gotten home, Leo went into the cage again and sort of nudged at Katy in a couple places before coming out again for more petting. Then when Robert and I left the room, Leo almost immediately went back into the cage and lay down next to her for a while. I think he knows.
I had not noticed before how grey Katy had gotten, especially in the face and back. Our best guess is that the rabbits are about 7 years old, but it's very possible Katy could be older than that. She is (was) certainly old enough that it is not completely unusual that she could die suddenly.
Katy was a very beautiful bunny (so cute that she was frequently featured in photos on the House Rabbit website) who loved eating cilantro and dried strawberries, stealing carrots from under Leo's nose, digging in her litter box, destroying large cardboard castles, and licking Leo's ears. During her shed phase, she would lose fur on her face so that it had deep grooves in it; I would tease her about being a groovy old girl. When Katy first came to live with us 3 1/2 years ago, she was distrustful of people and disliked being touched in any way. By the end, she had become thoroughly comfortable and even seemed to enjoy it when we would pet her. As a rex rabbit, she has incredibly soft fur that prompted Tam to remark that you never actually touch her but rather feel the softness waves that emanate from her. If so, these waves are so powerful as to continue after death. I knew that I was going to take Kate and Leo home from the very first moment I touched them at the house where they were being fostered. It was wonderful to have Katy around and we are going to miss her, and seeing her sweet face, very much.
That's very sad for you, Robert and especially Leo. Were they littermates or just friends and would he accept another bunny friend? The House Rabbit rescue group is great. I wonder if we have one in Houston.
Kate and Leo were a mated pair; they had at least one set of offspring, two girls who were also adopted out by the House Rabbit group.
I think it is very possible that Leo would accept another friend. From what we have found out, it usually takes 1 week to 1 month before they are ready to accept another rabbit. Fortunately, Leo had a chance to know for certain that Katy is dead. Apparently when a rabbit dies away from home, e.g. at the vet, and the companion isn't present, it is not uncommon for the survivor to never accept another rabbit.
Leo has been acting pretty normal so far, but he did thump when we took Katy away. We're going to keep an eye on him and consider finding him another companion. The House Rabbit people do a "dating service" to match up single rabbits. Robert and I hope that Leo will be able to adjust to Katy being gone and not spend a long time in mourning.
Sally (and Robert and Leo), it's such sad news. Even though we know animals won't live forever, we really wish they would sometimes. It is good that she was at home with Leo and that he got the closure that she won't be coming back. It's still a far cry from what you were hoping to come home to on a Friday evening. :(
I'm sorry sweet Katy is gone. She and Leo have had a great life together and I hope he'll be able to accept a new companion when everyone is ready.
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