Thursday, September 1, 2011

When Winter Comes

How will I like Snow City once winter comes?  A fair question.  I don't think I can even imagine how cold it's going to be. 

I am collecting characterizations of Snow City winters - like that it's snot-freezing cold or gasoline-freezing cold.  I also like the comparisons people make between the winter here and other places.  It's already been established from several people that it's colder here than many places in Canada, for example.  This week, a guy told Robert and me that he used to live in the Swiss Alps and it was cold there, but it wasn't as cold as it is here.  I am still waiting for the person who used to live in Siberia to tell me that the winters there are not nearly as bad as they are here.

1 comment:

Tam said...

When I was going to move to Denver, I was not very comforted by my then boss telling me that it wasn't nearly as bad there as it was in her native Alaska. But Denver turns out to be mild, among places that get cold.

You'll be fine, though, I'm sure. People live there.