Sunday, September 18, 2011

Preparing for the Onslaught

UPDATE:  I've received my boots and they are awesome.  I'm not exactly feeling all "bring it" about the upcoming winter but at least I have a better chance of surviving with all toes intact.

I spent about $500 today ordering my winter gear - a down-filled coat, down-filled gloves, a bomber hat, silk longjohns (all from LL Bean), and extremely serious snow boots.

These are Cate the Great boots from Sorel, and customer reviews promise that they are warm enough for Minnesota winters.  I guess we'll see.


Tam said...

Those boots look awesome.

Silk long undies are very comfy but in my experience often not as warm as I wanted for Colorado. The polyester ones from Walmart (or wherever) seem warmer. But it depends, of course, on how you want to balance inside/outside warmth too.

Sally said...

Thanks for the tip on polyester ones, Tam. I'm sure over the course of the 6 month long winter, I will want various levels of warmth, including "as warm as possible." Sounds like Robert will want to stock up on polyester.

mom said...

Love the boots!

jen said...

I concur, great boots!

Dad said...

"Cate the Great" was Catherine the Great, the wife of the Czar of Russia. Catherine was the daughter of the emperor of Austro-Hungary, and as usual married a Russian nobleman for largely political reasons. There was a bad drought in much of Europe, particularly parts of Germany. Catherine wisely advised her husband to invite Germans into Russia to build up the population, increase the tax base, create a buffer zone between Russia & the rest of central Europe, etc. Because of this & other advise that was helpful to Russia, she became know as "The Great." What is amazing is that to this day children in Russia & former Soviet Republics know about her. About 10 years ago I had a 6th grade student who had moved to the US from one of the Asian Soviet republics when she was about the third grade. When I asked her if she knew who Catherine the Great was, she laughed & said everyone knew who she was. To her my question was about as dumb as asking if she knew who George Washington was. If these boots are named after a Russian czaress, then they should be "good to go" in Minnesota.

Sally said...

Dad - Nice background on the namesake of these boots. I hope they live up to her reputation.