Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Baaaack: A Few Numbers

Drove through 12 states in about 12 days.

Drove through 3 (or 4?) mountain ranges.

Listened to country music on the radio due to non-functional CD player for about 10 million years.

Listened to special bluegrass Christmas music program on a Kentucky radio station for the last 30 minutes.

Saw American crows in 10 states.

Looked for life birds 1 time.

Saw 0 life birds.

Ate lunch at Braum's 2 times.

Ate dinner at Kentucky Fried Chicken in Kentucky 1 time.

Ate 2 slices of pumpkin pie, 2 slices of chocolate pie, 1 slice of apple pie, and 1 bowl of vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup.

Gained 0 pounds (not sure how that happened).

Petted 4 cats. 

Was bitten and scratched by 1 cat.

Have been rejected by 0 PhD programs.

Have arranged a flyout interview (at program's expense) with 1 PhD program (the same one that I spoke to on the telephone before).


rvman said...

"Petted 4 cats" - which cat did you not pet? (Crystal, Curtis, Bell, Sammy, T-L?)

Sally said...

You're right - it was 5 cats! I think I forgot that Crystal counted as both a "pet" cat and a demon kitten.

Tam said...

Tigerlily loves Sally and Rvman!