Monday, September 13, 2010

The Last Time

I had a good meeting with my advisor this morning, and I am just about to start my final analysis and write up of the infamous Experiment 2. I feel bizarrely excited at this prospect. (Maybe in part because every hour spent on this project tonight is an hour that I'm not reading about neurotransmitters.)

My data set is now in a folder titled "Absolutely final data" with the date, superceding the "Final data" folder that I renamed "Penultimate data." It reminds me of presentations and such that I would put together at my previous job that ended up with titles like "X Presentation - Final - I mean it this time - seriously - v4."

1 comment:

rvman said...

At my old job, I had a folder tree nested five deep in one case, which had "Final" in the name of one or more folders or files at every level. One file was called something along the lines of
