Friday, January 30, 2009

Efficiencies of Scale and Scope

I guess the upside of having read 70 articles in the areas of childhood obesity and the use of nutrition information over the last couple weeks is that I am getting good at summarizing the findings fairly quickly. This is a helpful thing, since I am only about halfway through typing up my notes. Fortunately, having done all of the reading before the writing makes it a lot easier to know what parts are relevant, interesting, confirmatory, need explaining, and so forth, since I have this context to evaluate each paper in. I thought I would simply be writing notes, but I am actually drafting sentences and paragraphs for the actual document as I go, which is nice. (Of course, this is going to result in a gargantuan literature review, which will need to be edited for the paper itself, but I like having so much research to hand.)

It's already clear that for some topics, like the effects of TV viewing on obesity, I have an absolute glut of information, while I will need to do additional search for articles on other topics.

Although I don't always want to be doing this work, and it has its tedious aspects (like everything does), there is still a part of me that can't believe I'm being paid to do it as a job. I mean, seriously, I am getting paid, right? I have been reporting the hours, now show me the money. I could use some.

Really though, it has been, dare I say, basically fun? I feel that I am learning a lot about things that I find interesting and developing / honing skills that will prove useful to me for the next 2 - 50 years of my life (depending on how this whole grad school / academia thing works out). And it's keeping me from completely obsessing on the outcome of my current applications and sundry considerations and concerns about the PhD application process. A person might be willing to pay money for something that does that.


Anonymous said...

If you ever might wonder what one of these articles is about later, you might want to hang on to a copy of your gargantuan review before you start paring it down. Those notes could prevent your having to find and re-read some of those articles in the future.

Sally said...

Yeah, I definitely will hold on to it; it would suck to have to look them up for a second time!