Tuesday, June 17, 2008

To(o) Shed

A couple of Mondays ago (before I started my job), I watched an old episode of Monty Python that featured the Arthur "Two Sheds" Jackson sketch shown here. It's less than 3 minutes long and worth watching:

For whatever reason, I was struck by this "Two Sheds" business in a major way and felt this incredible desire to start calling someone "Two Sheds." But the likelihood of such an opportunity arising seemed quite low indeed.

That same evening, I went to dinner with RB, who talked about the fact that he was considering building, or possibly purchasing, a shed for his backyard. We even went to the Lowe's in the restaurant shopping center and looked at the various sheds they had for sale. But RB seemed pretty much set on buying only one shed, not two, so despite the weird coincidence of being in an extended shed-purchasing discussion, there was no obvious "Two Sheds" connection to make. This was a disappointment to me because how often does anyone talk about a shed?

When I got home, I went in to pet Leo and fur started immediately. (A few times per year, he goes through this process of losing great heaping quantities of fur, while the rest of the time, he merely loses a lot of fur.) So I said, "Leo, you are really starting to shed ... to shed..." and in a sing-song voice I started to say over and over "Leo-Leo To Shed... Leo-Leo To Shed... Leo is so furry that he is now a Too Shed... Leo-Leo Too Shed..."

Leo did not seem to mind being called "To(o) Shed," reacting with his usual aplomb, or one might say, indifference; he generally does not react at all to what I say to him, so long as it is said in a nice voice and accompanied by good petting. Given the babbling idiocy that proximity to his immensely adorable fluffiness creates, he does not have high expectations of intelligent conversation from me or any other human.

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