Wednesday, March 26, 2008

More School Grades

Latest scores:

Consumer behavior 100

Stat 97 - misread the words "at least 2" as "2" - I could not figure out how I got the problem wrong until Robert pointed this out to me

Linear algebra 108 (of 110, due to his adding an extra 10 point proof to the exam) - I missed two points for leaving out a bit in one proof


CB - email from the professor saying good job

Stat - one smiley face

Linear - two smiley faces, an "Outstanding!," and one "superb!" for the extra proof

And have I mentioned recently how much fun the stat class is now that we're doing calculus all the time? I have been in serious calculus withdrawal this semester, which is why I am strongly considering the potential madness of taking both calc 3 (ie vector) and differential equations next fall. I took calc 3 about 12 years ago, and got an A in it, but I would like to feel up to speed on the base calculus sequence (and I just like it lots).

Diff e I might have chosen to skip altogether because it's not a prereq for what I want to do specifically but (1) I have always had this feeling of wanting to take it, (2) my favorite professor is teaching it, (3) more math is always good for getting into grad programs that like quants, and (4) I recently found out that diff e was the only class my dad failed in college - his performance suffered greatly from starting to date a cute blond girl.

I am not sure why my father, who was a German major after all, was taking diff e to begin with, but at least it didn't screw up his degree plan. On behalf of my sister and myself, I want to thank my dad for paying too much attention to my mom and not enough to the math.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really liked diff eq. Not that I use it (usually don't do anything beyond trig level these days, which is a sad statement for a math major). Back to calculating some 3D vectors...