Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Math in the Dark

Half an hour into my 8:00 calculus test yesterday, we had a campus-wide blackout that lasted until about 10:30. When the electricity went out, the TA said, "Whoever prayed for this to happen, don't tell us who you are." For about 10 minutes, we continued to work on the test in the cracks of light from some windows (on the opposite side of the room from me) and then Dr P told us that we could finish the exams Wednesday. And since there was no way to keep some people from working on the problems, he specifically told us that we should look at any problems we had not gotten to and could feel free to work on them in preparation for the continuation of the exam. We finished the exam today and I think I did quite well (even without having memorized the specific problems for extra study).

I talked to a girl in my marketing class today who told me that when she showed up for her 9:30 class, in the middle of the blackout, the professor made them do their scheduled exam even though there were no lights; he told them to use their cell phone lights to see what they were doing. The girl was pretty pissed and when she told him that she was having trouble seeing the paper, the professor and many of the other students just laughed. Given that they hadn't started the exam yet, I don't understand why he didn't just delay it until the next class session. I'm glad Dr P did not take that kind of approach.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's ridiculous (taking the test in the dark). My luck, my cell phone would have been dead or not with me, which has been known to happen. I'm sure being laughed at helped the student see her test much better.