Thursday, September 19, 2013

An Interesting Alternative

Today I received an email from an HR rep stating that after reviewing my resume, they want me to fill out a brief questionnaire (self-assessment) on which I briefly list specific experiences/accomplishments that match up with the job requirements.  Completing this questionnaire was very much like having that initial HR screener call, only more concise (and clearly a lot faster for them).  I guess they'll decide who talks to the hiring manager on the basis of this questionnaire.

In other news--you know how companies say they will keep your resume on file in the event of a future job opening that matches your skills, blah blah, and obviously that's totally bogus?  Well, apparently it does happen sometimes.  I applied for a job at a market research firm a couple weeks ago (and heard nothing) but then this week, their HR rep emailed me to ask whether I was interested in an opening that had just come up (which was the same job title as the job I'd applied for earlier).  I responded Yes, and we chatted briefly by phone, and I now have a phone interview with two of the directors on Monday.  Nice!

My current situation looks like:
--Have received an email following my in-person interview with a market research company, asking me to keep them updated on my status as they continue with their process.
--Have an in-person interview with a state agency next Thursday (I have not had phone conversations with anyone prior to this, the only time this has happened yet in my current job search).
--Had phone interview with hiring manager at a company (client-side) on Monday and am waiting to hear back as to whether I will be brought in for in-person interview (there will be only one in-person interview before they choose their candidates--they are hiring either 2 or 3 people, I wasn't entirely clear which).
--Have phone interview with hiring manager at a different research company this coming Monday, as mentioned above.
--Completed the questionnaire alternative to HR screener with a company (client-side) today, as mentioned above.

So, the job search continues and all is going well.

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