Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Vacation Day 3

Today was a rest day because I woke up with a pinched nerve that had me limping slowly around the apartment for most of the day.  (I was also feeling quite sick this morning, though that had worn off by about 2 p.m.)  Robert went grocery shopping this morning while I stayed home and kept out of the way of the house cleaning woman (yep, we all do our part). 

We spent a lot of time after lunch catching up our bird lists/journal (I'm up to 510 life birds!) and analyzing some of the data, then we played games all evening.  I actually had a great time with the various forms of geeking out at home.

It's just as well that today was easy and relaxing because tomorrow we are getting up crazy early and driving to Wisconsin for an intense birding day in the center of the mosquito zone, where long-sleeves and full-length pants are a necessity regardless of the heat.  Heaven help us.

Orange Flower Goodness--Tuesday, 7/14/15

The idea of this delightfully original high school teacher/writer/Doctor Who fan following my sartorial lead is even more of a stretch than usual, but I will not let this stop me from playing Reverse Inspirations with her.  (I think she can take it.)

Lavender/orange floral top + skirt = done.

From myclosetcatalogue.com

It should not be so surprising to me (but it is) that I have rarely worn sleeveless tops without an outer layer (and rarely even then) since moving to Snow City/Coldville.  This has been a good week for getting these back into the rotation.

Black/orange/lavender floral tank top (Kohls), $2.24/wear+
Black knit hiking skirt (Patagonia), $10.00/wear
Orchid flats (Born), $2.78/wear+
Orange lion charm necklace (thrifted), $1.67/wear+

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