Tuesday, September 25, 2012

West Texas Sightings

During the process of checking that all our bird lists were entered in our bird spreadsheet, I came across several non-bird-related observations/lists that I noted in the bird notebooks.  Here is one of them, titled West Texas Sightings, from 2/18/2002.

Caprock Escarpment
Mid-day flatland mirage
Pinkies liquor store
Hwy 87
Prairie dog town
Double Mt. Fork of the Brazos River
Rough-legged hawk
Windmill farm
W. TX wind
Coyote roadkill
Buddy Holly statue & W. TX Walk of Fame
Huge cotton fields
Mesquite trees
Lubbock Lake
Oil derricks
Charolois cattle


I would also like to report, for the official record, that driving fast on 87 while listening to Terry Allen's West Texas classic "Amarillo Highway" is really cool.  This being said, I hope that experience was not truly as close as I'll ever get to heaven.

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